Quick Start
Get up and running with the tx-kit react hooks
Transmissions Client Context
The hooks packages provides a React.Context
that can be used to access the transmissions client in a react component tree. The context provider should wrap your component tree beneath your wallet providers.
Below is an example using the NextJS app router, rainbowkit, and coinbase smart wallet. The context provider pairs very nicely with wagmi hooks.
- type:
8453 | 84532
The chain id of the target chain
publicClient (optional)
- type:
PublicClient<Transport, Chain>
The public client to use for public data requests. Some methods require a public client to be provided.
walletClient (optional)
- type:
WalletClient<Transport, Chain, Account>
The wallet client to use for modifying blockchain state. Most uplink methods require a wallet client to be provided.
paymasterConfig (optional)
- type:
The paymaster configuration object for the wallet client. This object contains the paymaster url for a paymaster proxy. The default value is undefined. See the paymasters section of the coinbase smart wallet docs.