Quick Start
Get up and running with the tx-kit SDK
- esm or commonjs
- first class support for coinbase smart wallet and paymasters
- ens name resolution
- small bundle size and minimal dependencies
- gas estimation and calldata generation for every transaction
The SDK is built for both esm and commonjs environments
Transmissions Client
The SDK provides a client that can be used to interact with the transmissions protocol. The client is initialized with a configuration object and provides 2 sub-clients for uplink and downlink interactions. The uplink client is used to write data to the protocol, while the downlink client is used to read data from the protocol subgraph.
- type:
8453 | 84532
The chain id of the target chain
publicClient (optional)
- type:
PublicClient<Transport, Chain>
The public client to use for public data requests. Some methods require a public client to be provided.
walletClient (optional)
- type:
WalletClient<Transport, Chain, Account>
The wallet client to use for modifying blockchain state. Most uplink methods require a wallet client to be provided.
apiConfig (optional)
- type:
The api configuration object for the downlink client. This object contains the server url for the subgraph. The default value is the base mainnet subgraph url.
paymasterConfig (optional)
- type:
The paymaster configuration object for the wallet client. This object contains the paymaster url for a paymaster proxy. The default value is undefined. See the paymasters section of the coinbase smart wallet docs.