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  event: Log 



  • type: string

The target channel address

const { event } = await uplinkClient.updateChannelLogic({
  channelAddress: '0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890',


  • type: string

The address of the logic contract to use. Use DYNAMIC_LOGIC for the default logic contract, or address zero to disable all logic. Disabling logic means that everyone has unlimited interaction credits.

const { event } = await uplinkClient.updateChannelLogic({
  { logicContract: DYNAMIC_LOGIC, ... },


  • type: DynamicLogicInputs[]

An array of creator logic rules. For the DYNAMIC_LOGIC contract, each rule specifies a target contract, function signature, data, operator, literal operand, interaction power type, and interaction power. Logic rules can be created by hand, or with the UniformInteractionPower and WeightedInteractionPower utilities.

Weighted interaction power rules can be used to give more interaction credits to users who hold more tokens. Uniform interaction power rules give the same number of interaction credits to all users who meet the rule’s conditions.

If a user meets multiple logic rules, the highest interaction power from all rules is applied.

const erc20BalanceOfData = encodeAbiParameters(
    [{ type: "address", name: "address" }],
    [zeroAddress] // zero address placeholder swapped for caller address at runtime

const creatorLogic = [{
    target: baseSepoliaWETH, // target contract to query for logic
    signature: '0x70a08231', // function signature to query for logic
    data: erc20BalanceOfData, // data to pass to the function
    operator:, // operator to apply to the result
    literalOperand: BigInt(1), // operand to compare the result to
    interactionPowerType: LogicInteractionPowerTypes.uniform, // type of interaction power to apply
    interactionPower: BigInt(10) // interaction power to apply

// with the `UniformInteractionPower` utility
const creatorLogic = [
    new UniformInteractionPower(BigInt(10))
        .ifResultOf(baseSepoliaWETH, '0x70a08231', erc20BalanceOfData)

// with the `WeightedInteractionPower` utility
const creatorLogic = [
    new WeightedInteractionPower()
        .ifResultOf(baseSepoliaWETH, '0x70a08231', erc20BalanceOfData)

const { event } = await uplinkClient.updateChannelLogic({
  { logicContract: DYNAMIC_LOGIC, creatorLogic, ... },


  • type: DynamicLogicInputs[]

An array of minter logic rules for the DYNAMIC_LOGIC contract. Logic rules can be created by hand, or with the UniformInteractionPower and WeightedInteractionPower utilities.

Weighted interaction power rules can be used to give more interaction credits to users who hold more tokens. Uniform interaction power rules give the same number of interaction credits to all users who meet the rule’s conditions.

If a user meets multiple logic rules, the highest interaction power from all rules is applied.

const erc20BalanceOfData = encodeAbiParameters(
    [{ type: "address", name: "address" }],
    [zeroAddress] // zero address placeholder swapped for caller address at runtime

const minterLogic = [{
    target: baseSepoliaWETH, // target contract to query for logic
    signature: '0x70a08231', // function signature to query for logic
    data: erc20BalanceOfData, // data to pass to the function
    operator:, // operator to apply to the result
    literalOperand: BigInt(1), // operand to compare the result to
    interactionPowerType: LogicInteractionPowerTypes.uniform, // type of interaction power to apply
    interactionPower: BigInt(10) // interaction power to apply

// with the `UniformInteractionPower` utility
const minterLogic = [
    new UniformInteractionPower(BigInt(10))
        .ifResultOf(baseSepoliaWETH, '0x70a08231', erc20BalanceOfData)

// with the `WeightedInteractionPower` utility
const minterLogic = [
    new WeightedInteractionPower()
        .ifResultOf(baseSepoliaWETH, '0x70a08231', erc20BalanceOfData)

const { event } = await uplinkClient.updateChannelLogic({
  { logicContract: DYNAMIC_LOGIC, minterLogic, ... },

transactionOverrides (optional)

  • type: TransactionOverrides
type TransactionOverrides = {
  accessList?: AccessList
  gas?: bigint
  maxFeePerGas?: bigint
  maxPriorityFeePerGas?: bigint
  nonce?: number
  value?: bigint

Overrides for the transaction

const { event } = await uplinkClient.updateChannelLogic({
    transactionOverrides: {
        gas: 1000000n


generate calldata for the transaction

const { address, data } = await uplinkClient.calldata.updateChannelLogic({...})


    address: string, // address of the target contract
    data: string // calldata for the transaction

Gas Estimation

Estimate gas for the transaction

const gas = await uplinkClient.estimateGas.updateChannelLogic({...})


bigint // gas estimate in wei